Chemical Weed Control provides PEC, Smith System, Medic First Aid, Operator Qualification, and all job-specific training required by our customers as well as on-the-job training.
We employ several full-time safety leaders. Our safety team offers in-house training for safety, first aid, and OQ (Veriforce and NCCER). We train employees to safely and effectively apply products to meet customers' needs. We work to ensure applicators are licensed as required. We maintain compliance with NCMS and DISA policies and strive to sustain a drug and alcohol-free workplace.
We subscribe to ISNet, Veriforce, and Avetta for safety and compliance reporting. Chemical Weed Control maintains membership in professional organizations to stay educated on the latest technologies and tools. We also appreciate membership as an opportunity to contribute to the industry positively. We carry 10 million dollars in umbrella liability insurance. All vehicles are equipped with GPS monitoring units.

Teddy Lopez
Corporate Safety Director
Hello, I'm Teddy Lopez, and I am privileged to have served as the Corporate Safety Director for the past two years. With a degree in psychology and experience in the health and human services field, I bring a unique perspective to safety and employee well-being.
In my role as Safety Director, I work closely with each regional team, to ensure that safety protocols and standards are consistently communicated and implemented.
My experience has provided me with a deep understanding of human behavior and the factors that contribute to a safe and healthy work environment.
I am well-versed in risk assessment, crisis intervention, and developing personalized safety plans for individuals. I believe in addressing the psychological and emotional aspects of safety, fostering resilience, and creating a supportive workplace culture.
I am proud to have spent the past two years leading our safety initiatives, combining my passion for helping people with employee safety. I look forward to continuing this important work and ensuring that Chemical Weed Control, Inc. remains at the forefront of safety excellence. My goal will always be that all our employees return home safely at the end of each day.